Planning a Wedding Sparkler Send-Off? Read This First

Planning a Wedding Sparkler Send-Off? Read This First

From walking down the aisle to walking out of the venue towards the beginning of a new life, every moment of your wedding needs to be stunning. We all dream of the perfect wedding with the most focus on a grand entrance. But what about the grand exit? Wedding sparklers are a great way to make a magical exit and leave a lasting impression on your guests in style. Just imagine, all your friends and family members excitedly waving lit sparklers as you and your spouse make your way towards your getaway car. Imagine the beautiful photos. 

Although, like every other wedding detail, a sparkler send-off also demands a bit of planning and attention to detail. Buying the best wedding sparklers is only one part of it. Here are a few other things that you should keep in mind so that your send-off goes off without a hitch:

1. Check if the venue allows the use of sparklers.

One of the most common mistakes that people make is not checking with their wedding venue if they allow the use of sparklers. Some venues have strict policies against sparklers due to safety and insurance risks. So, you need to make sure that your venue has no such rule. You should also find out if there are any restrictions on the permissible length of the sparklers.

2. Announce the send-off.

Nothing will rain on your magical sparkler send-off parade like the lack of participating guests. You would want as many people as you can at the send-off so put up an announcement. Let your guests know the time. This will ensure that maximum people stick around to join in on the fun and excitement. 

3. There should be enough space.

For a proper sparkler send-off, you need to have two rows of guests, between which there must be enough space for you and your spouse to walk through. To make room for all of that, it is advisable that your send-off happens in an open space, most preferably close to your getaway car. Additionally, the place should also not have any flammable or hazardous items in the vicinity. 

4. Arrange for an easy way to light the sparklers.

You will have to make sure that everyone is able to light their sparklers around the same time, which means that there needs to be plenty of lighting options. While some couples like to hand around personalized match boxes for their guests, which also double up as wedding favors, lighting options like butane lighters or torch lighters are much more effective.

5. There should be a provision for safe disposal.

After the send-off, your guests need to have a proper place to dispose their used sparklers. Keeping them just anywhere can be a safety hazard. The best way to address this issue is to set up a few buckets filled halfway with sand into which the sparklers can be thrown. The sand will contain the heat without causing any damage and also prevent the buckets from tipping over. 

Check out our website to buy wedding sparklers online.

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